Disclaimer: The images on this page are from the "Electronics Boutique 1996 Spring CD". This was a promotional CD catalog given out at Electronics Boutique & Waldensoftware stores in early 1996. The images are only 256 color because that was the depth of the source files (keep in mind this was 1996).
Sega Genesis
The Sega Genesis was fading rapidly from 1995-1996. It still sold a remarkable number of games though. The 32X and Sega CD, on the other hand, were mere months away from their demise.
NBA Live '96 was not the last of the series for the Genesis, 97 and 98 editions would be produced.
No sequels in the future for Triple Play '96 though.
At this point the Genesis was being sold in a number of bundle packs. The NFL Pack came with the latest Joe Montana game (although it probably wasn't officially called "Joe Montana" anymore).
For $129.99 the Super Sonic System included Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles.
My personal favorite was the 6 Pack, not just for the name but for the nice collection of classic games.
College Football's National Championship was based off the same engine for the NFL/Joe Montana series.
Sonic Spinball was still hanging in there. I must have this on 3-4 different collections.
Light Crusader may have been the last really great Genesis game produced (too lazy to research). However, the $59.99 sticker price kept it obscure.
Revenge of Shinobi remains one of my favorite Genesis games, heck, one of my favorite games for any system.
Like NBA Live, NHL '96 would see two more sequels developed.
Foreman for Real was a late release for the Genesis that stuck around in stores for while. I remember seeing it in stores long after departing retail. They either made a ton of copies or nobody bought it, or both.
NBA Jam TE is another game I can never quite get enough of.
The NFL Quartback Club series for the Genesis was always in third place behind the Sega Sports and EA franchises. Hey, at least it was ahead of Troy Aikman football.
Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety was a lot like that George Foreman game in that it was also released for both Genesis and Super Nintendo late in their life spans.
Now I know I've said this before.. if Sega made a version of the Nomad that was the size of a Gameboy Advance SP it would be a smash hit. OK, the cartridges wouldn't fit I guess but they could work out a download system or something. It would be like printing money if they did it.
Want to play the Nomad for more than 2 hours? Just buy this $65 battery.
I still can't quantify why I like the 32X. In this catalog it was $79.99 but would shortly plummet to $19.99.
Here's one of the holy grails of gaming: Spider-Man: Web of Fire, the last game for the 32X. If you bought it for the sticker price of $49.99 in 1996 you could actually make a profit on it today. No joke.
World Series Baseball for the 32X, $59.99, not a holy grail of gaming.
Space Harrier was a strange game to release back in 1995, would have made some sense as a launch title.
I can't believe the Sega CD was still going for $99.99.
Surgical Strike, the last game for the Sega CD.
Sonic CD is considered by many to be the best Sega CD game. I've got it ranked around 4 or 5.